OCSB and YRDSB 2013-2014

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OCSB and YRDSB 2013-2014

Project plan:

Our Collective Goal: To explore how technology (Google Apps and other technology tools ) can be used to support Student Collaborative Inquiry and Assessment practices across all curriculum areas in our respective boards and to provide opportunities for teachers in OCSB and YRDSB to network with other districts within their respective panels (We will be looking at Rich Learning Opportunities across all curriculum areas with a particular focus on Literacy and cross-curricular inquiries)

Our Inquiry Question/Intention: IF we (teachers @ocsb and @yrdsb) use instructional strategies & tools that facilitate student collaborative inquiry and rich learning opportunities across all curriculum areas, THEN, students will be able to construct, clarify, and extend meaning about the big ideas and communicate their thinking in a variety of ways through their use of digital tools and resources.

Our teams will co-plan, co-teach and co-debrief throughout the remainder of the year using a variety of platforms and tools to facilitate that process.  We will also be capturing  and sharing the learning journey through our use of a Professional Learning Cycle Template we adapted to highlight the process.