Upper Grand DSB 2012-13

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Upper Grand DSB 2012-13

Here is the link to our Project Presentation

Project Description:

We are two groups of teachers, 3 teachers from a rural setting and 2 teachers from an urban setting, who would like to learn more about creating authentic tasks using technology within a framework of inquiry-based environmental education.  These tasks would integrate science, literacy and numeracy.   Our professional learning will include planning, creating, and implementing an authentic inquiry task that embeds technology effectively.  In the rural setting, while connecting with the Rockwood Conservation Area, students will create artifacts that can be used by the entire community of Rockwood and other visitors to the Park.   The artifacts will be web-based and linked by QR codes that will be posted at appropriate spots in the Conservation Area (and at the urban school yard) to help the community learn more about the natural environment.  We are also interested in having the teachers become part of an online community (using Ning) in order to share their growth in their ability to integrate literacy, numeracy and technology into inquiry-based teaching.

Success Criteria:

Teachers will:

  • share their learning about developing rich and authentic literacy/numeracy inquiry-based tasks
  • understand how effective technology use enhances literacy and numeracy learning
  • gain an understanding of the relationship between creating products for authentic audiences and student engagement