York Region DSB 2012-13

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York Region DSB 2012-13

Goal: Use professional collaboration via Web2.0 technology (e.g. Twitter, Edmodo) to support inquiry learning in the classroom to better support students in how to learn rather than focusing on what they are supposed to learn.

Brief description: Will Expand on the idea of “kinetic learning” (learning in motion). We want to model a classroom / learning environment where the technology is transparent (e.g. access to tools, but not focus on tools, flipped classroom, kinetic learning, workstations, inquiry-based).

We want to find out what tools teachers use to support them in their own professional learning and collaboration. Our inquiry question will also be asked on twitter using the following hash-tag #KineticInquiry

Inquiry Question: How does professional collaboration via Web 2.0 technology enhance inquiry learning in the classroom?

YRDSB District Champion Project - PowerPoint (PDF)